Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I googled myself and here I am

why am i here again?
haha.. its almost always the same reason isn't it.

but first
Happy Birthday to my sister!
Sunset Bay, my teammates, horrible food, a bottle of red and the seaside!

that's settled.
here I am again trying to sort out my thoughts.

I am a love at first sight person. it cannot be just a good first impression, a mild liking, or "oh, thats an eye candy!". it has to be love at first sight! or is it really? that's my first question.
I mean, of course there's no doubt about love at first sight; the intense whirpool of emotions which turns ur world upside down instantly, but what if it doesnt start out like that? can I like someone whom I didn't "love" at first sight?

I am no angel, but who doesn't like thrills? It runs in the family man. ha. The only difference is I am definetely more responsible. hmm. okie. that isn't the point anyways.

I think the point is that I dont like to be at the other end of the bait if I am not madly in love with someone. It just doesnt give me enough reason to be there. but on the other hand, there isn't totally no reason too.

sigh. I'm tired.
i think i am just imagining things.
lets hope i dun be rash

| # over and out @ 6:18 PM |



Just rants of unique me where the deepest truths are read between the lines or mostly unwritten.


Pearlyn Chow